What You'll Master...

  • 1

    Intro to Dumpster Fire Dating

    • Welcome Message from Michele Emerald

    • Fire Protection 🔥🖤🔥

  • 2

    The 3 Pillars of Dating Success

    • 3 Pillars of Dating Success

  • 3

    Rock Solid Dating Mindset

    • Why Mindset Matters

    • Rock Solid Dating Mindset

  • 4

    Your Relationship SUPERPOWER

    • Your Relationship SUPERPOWER

  • 5

    The Swipe 5 Method

    • The Swipe 5 Method

  • 6

    Selecting Dating Apps

    • What Apps To Use

  • 7

    Non-Dating App Ways to Meet People

    • Non- dating app ways to meet people online

  • 8

    Healing From Your Past

    • A note about healing + special invitation

  • 9

    The Standards Hierarchy Method

    • Lesson: Standards Hierarchy Pt. 1

    • Lesson: Standards Hierarchy Pt. 2

    • Lesson: Standards Hierarchy Pt. 3

  • 10

    The ComPARTNERment Mindmap

    • Pt. 1: The "ComPARTNERment" Mindmap

    • Pt. 2: The ComPARTNERment Mindmap

  • 11

    Messaging in app, DM's & early texting

    • Conversation Starters

  • 12

    Magnetizing the frequency of LOVE

    • Vibrating at the frequency of LOVE

  • 13

    Preventing Ghosting

    • Ghost Hunting

    • Ghost Protection

    • Calling Out A Ghoster

  • 14

    Dating App Profile Do’s & Don’ts

    • Profile Best Practices

  • 15

    Emotional Investment Tiers

    • Intro to Emotional Investment Tiers

  • 16

    DIADF The Book- First Draft Chapter Previews

    • Foreword

    • Chapter 1- The Great Dumpster Fire of Dating

    • Chapter 2- Selecting Dating Apps

    • Chapter 3- The Perfect Profile

    • Chapter 4- Profile Photos That POP

  • 17

    Journal Prompts & Mantras

    • Heart Expanding